ALIMENT LAB assumes the conduct of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis test, in cases of a special food control, such as analysis of the nutrient, screening for possible presence of undesired residues and determination of fat oxidation. Among the available tests are included the determination of moisture, ash, fat, protein, fatty acid composition, carbohydrate, vitamins, trace elements, dietetic fibers etc.
The laboratory of ALIMENT LAB provides detailed and accurate analysis of the nutritional product components to ensure compliance with the relevant EU legislation (Regulation 1169/2011) and to meet the specifications required by retail.
Under the legislation, the mandatory nutrition declaration in the nutritional content of products should be listed in specific order (in energy, total fat, fatty acids, carbohydrates, sugars, protein, salt) and in specific way so as to indicate each one. The specialized staff of the laboratory has the knowledge to advise and inform customers about the kind of analysis and the requirements of legislation on labeling of finished foodstuffs and especially of prepackaged food.