Cosmetic products (cosmetics) that are associated with the body, face and hair are an integral part of everyday life. Cosmetic products range from everyday hygiene products such as soaps, shampoos, deodorants and toothpastes to luxury items such as perfumes and makeup products.
The quality control is necessary so as to ensure the safety of consumers and so cosmetic products on the market should be harmonized with the current EU legislation (93/35 / EEC, GG 352 / 18-03-2005, 1223/2009 / EK and Amendments). Also, cosmetic products placed on the market should be notified to the new European system (Cosmetic Products Notification Portal).
It is mandatory the creation of an information package (Product Information File) for each cosmetic product on the European market. According to European legislation 1223/2009 / EC some of the items included are:
- Description and detailed composition of the product
- Specifications of raw materials
- Fragrances and allergens
- Production data
- Shelf life
- Security Assessment Report
- Αntimicrobial Effectiveness Test
- Notification to CPNP
- Toxicological profile of the ingredients, as defined by law (EC No. 1272/2008 and amendments).
The tests usually performed to control the physicochemical and microbiological stability of cosmetic products in order to meet the legislation requirements:
- pH
- Conductivity
- The total hardness
- The color and odor
- The stability of the emulsion
- The viscosity and texture
- The detection of heavy metals (e.g. Pb)
The detection ammonium (NH4), aluminum (Al), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl), nitrate (NO3), and sulfate (SO4) ions.
Critical parameter for quality assurance of cosmetic products made chemical analysis of production water used in accordance with the law of Purified Water, European Pharmacopoeia, 2010 and microbiological analysis in order not to endanger the health of consumers. Required by law, resolutions in production of cosmetics manufacturers include:
- The total number of bacteria 37 ° C (cfu / ml)
- Total coliforms (cfu / ml)
- Fecal coliforms (E. coli) (cfu / ml)